Political Sergeant Bobi Wine marks 3 years as leader of Anti president Museveni movement

Politcal Sergeant Bobi Wine marks 3 years as Leader of Anti Museveni movement. Whisper Eye Reports.

Pop Music star who turned politician, Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu popularly know by his stage name Bobi Wine makes three years into Uganda’s politics.

In May 2017, Mr Kyagulanyi decided to join politics and just few weeks later he was voted to represent Kyadondo East in the 10th Parliament.

The artist earned a landslide victory as an independent candidate, defeating opposition parties and the ruling NRM.

‘Today marks three years since we took the first step to what would turn out to be the greatest anti Museveni movement of our generation,’ says MP Kyagulanyi.

‘On 31st May 2017, I was nominated to run for the Member of Parliament seat in Kyadondo East Constituency and the rest is history,’ he added.

During the campaigns of Bobi Wine in the Kyadondo East by elections, they developed the idea of forming a pressure group.

” I and the team that worked with me, and the people of Kyadondo East who trusted me with their votes took a leap of faith and God has been by our side to date, Mr Wines says.”

The engagements after the by elections led to the formation of People Power Movement.

Mr Wine plans to use the movement to became the next president of Uganda. Whisper Eye Reports.

‘I look forward to passing the baton of the Kyadondo MP seat to yet another freedom fighter as I take on yet a bigger challenge,’ Mr wine States.’

“If we did it in Kyadondo, we can surely do it in the whole Uganda with God on our side.” He said.

Mr Kyagulanyi Robert ssentamu, Uganda green New Deal candidate, Mugerwa Timothy, Former security minister Gen Henry Tumukunde, among others were cleared by the Electoral Commission to make consultation meetings before the Covid-19 conundrum.

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