We need as low as 10,000 UGX, Uganda covid task force cries out to private sector CEOs

We need as low as 10000 ugx Uganda Covid Task Force caries out to private sector ceos.

Uganda National Response Fund to Covid-19 appeals to private sector to donate money to fight the deadly Corona virus from spreading in Uganda.

In a document penned and signed by the Chairman Uganda National Response Fund to Covid-19, Mr Katongole Emmanuel and Mr Mwehaire Patrick the Chairman fundraising subcommittee Uganda National Response Fund to Covid-19, requests employees to contribute at least ugx 10,000/=.

‘As good cooperate citizen, we would like to request each chief Executive to extend our appeal to all your employees to dedicate part if your May’s payroll and donate at least UGX 10,000/= per employee to support the cause,’ the document states.

“We would appreciate if you dedicate some one from your organisation to mobilise all the employees and send us one organizational payment, it reads”

Mr Katongole asked the employees to deposit money on the bank account or through Mobile money.

The COVID-19 task force fund committee says it’s targeting 1.5 million employees in Uganda to each donate at least Ushs 10,000 shillings voluntarily to help in the fight against the pandemic.