Presidential hopeful Mugerwa calls upon Museveni to ease poor Ugandans from covid-19 lock-down

By Mugonza Andrew

Presidential hopeful Mugerwa calls upon Museveni to ease poor Ugandans from covid-19 lock-down. Whisper Eye Updates

Uganda Green New Deal 2021 presidential candidate Mugerwa Timothy has called upon president Museveni to ease Covid-19 lock down to save thier life.

Mr Mugerwa said lock down is applicable to only a few percentage of Ugandans who have access to piped water, electricity, self-contained houses, and paid monthly salaries.

The biggest population of Uganda trek long distance to get food, water, and firewood to cook daily meals.

‘Lock down is applicable to residents of Kololo, Muyenga, Nakasero not to rural areas like Kalungu Bukomansimbi, where people move long distances to get water, food, and firewood to prepare daily meals,’ says Mr Mugerwa.

“If the government has failed to provide food and basic needs to people we have no option, the president must ease lock down.” He added.

Mr Mugerwa calls Upon President Museveni to act first

Environment activist Mugerwa told Whisper Eye that it does not make sense to put the entire country to a lock down even to areas that are not at a risk.

He advised president Museveni to put Kampala on a lock down, and broader post with a recommendable supervision.

However, Mr Mugerwa explained that the government must support areas under lock down with food and basic needs to safe life.

‘We are lucky that we have not lost any single life due to Covid-19, but we are unlucky that we have lost many lives due to measures put forward to fight Covid-19 pandemic,’ Mr Mugerwa states.

Young climatic activist is worried about expectant months who have no access to medication, poor families that can’t find food.

Thus calling for an ease of lock down based on technical advice not politics.