Lawyers reject 30 man offer from President Museveni , insist lawyers are essential service

Lawyers reject 30 man offer from President Museveni insist lawyers are essential service. Whisper Eye Reports.

Uganda Law Society a collective body that unite all Lawyers in the country has rejected what they termed as unfair 30-man offer to represent lawyers per day all over the country.

Through thier president Senior Counsel Simon Peter M. Kinobe, lawyers have wrote a letter to the Ag Chief register Hight Court of Uganda, Kampala refuting the offer.

In the letter dated 5th May, 2020, titled ‘Request for the list of advocates selected to practice in line with the the presidential directives towards the control of Covid-19 (Corona Virus).

Lawyers have stressed that they are all essential and have clients to represent in courts of Law who gives out instructions on how to operate.

‘We are cognisant of the presidential directives issued of 4th May 2020, and notice that all our members have a right of appearance in court and therefore their work is essential,’ Mr Kinobe states in the letter.

Kinobe went ahead to attach a full list of Lawyers in hundreds Ignoring the 30 Mark.

Uganda Law Society vowed to engage other government departments including the Uganda Police to solve the matter as deadly Corona virus (Covid-19) continue to shake the entire country.

By Press Time the Ag Chief Registrar your worship Tom Chemutai was yet to respond .