Big Story: RDC Eric Sakwa runs to court to stop his indictment

By Mulangira Hope

Jinja embattled Resident District Commissioner Eric Sakwa who was interdicted by the office of president last week , has moved to court terming his indictment unfair, Whisper Eye Reports.

Mr Eric Sakwa Joseph has argued that he was never given any hearing before the interdiction letter was written and all rules of natural justice were flouted.

Filed under certificate of emergency, The Applicant seeks court to halt his indictment until his application his heard.

Eric Sakwa is accused of manslaughter which he was charged and granted bail amidst jubilation from his supporters .

Other listed as respondents alongside Attorney General is secretary of the office of president Hajji Kakande Yunus.

The RDC says he is being threatened by the second respondent and agents of the first respondent with eviction from his office.

The applicant maintains that his appointment is political by the president of Uganda and he is not a civil servant and he is not subject to any other term save for those contained in the appointment letter and the functions and duties laid down under the local government act.

In a letter of indictment signed by the second respondent to the applicant stated that in accordance with section f-s paragraph 8 of the public service standing orders (2010) you are hereby interdicted as RDC therefore barred from exercising the powers and function of your office immediately .

Eric Sakwa 38 maintains that all his troubles germinate from his struggles with land grabbers and he recently pointed out MP Balyeku over his woes.

this story to be continued…..