Reckless police patrol knocks dead Bobi Wine’s People Power Women youth coordinator

Rita Nabukenya a people power women youth coordinator has been knocked dead. Whisper Eye Reports.

A speeding police patrol knocked dead Ritah , People Power Central region coordinator Madam Angella Namirembe confirmed.

Its reportedly confirmed that Ritah was knocked around Nakawa by unidentified police patrol.

She was whisked away to Mulago were she was pronounced dead at arrival.

By press time people power supporters had gathered around Mulago hospital protesting the manner in which Ritah commonly refered to as Owa Kyagulanyi died.

Police is yet to react on this development.

Bobi Wine had this to say on Rita death. A very sad day! Yet again, police has murdered one of our solid leaders of the People Power Movement. Police saw Rita Nabukenya wearing People Power colours on a boda boda, run after her with a police patrol truck and knocked her dead. Museveni’s murderous regime must come to and end. We must do everything in our might to ensure that Rita and other fallen comrades like her, get justice.

More details will be unveiled as they come in.