Donald Trump is a fraud,’ says DP presidential hopeful Barnie Sanders

‘Donald Trump is a fraud,’ says DP presidential hopeful Barnie Sanders

Democratic Party’s (DP)Bernie Sanders has vowed to expose US President Donald Trump lies to all American citizens.

‘We will expose his lies to the American people, defeat him, and create a country that works for all,’ says Mr Bernie.

Bernie Sanders won every single county in West Virginia in the ongoing DP primaries.

“In under three years, the United States restructured the entire economy in order to win World War II and defeat fascism.” Mr Bernie said.

‘If we could do that, then we can certainly address the climate crisis,’ he added.

Bernie said that using the Green New Deal political framework, US can fix unemployment challenge easily.

‘With a Green New Deal we can create 20 million good jobs and transform our energy system,’ Mr Sanders states.

US President Donald Trump is likely to face Bernie Sanders in the forthcoming presidential elections, as the Green New Deal advocate takes a reasonable lead in DP party presidential race.