Mugerwa Timothy, Bobi Wine and 19 others cleared by the Electoral Commission to proceed with thier 2021 presidential bid

Mugerwa Timothy, Bobi Wine and 19 others cleared by the Electoral Commission to proceed with thier 2021 presidential bid. Whisper Eye Reports.

The Electoral Commission (EC) has cleared Uganda first Green New Deal presidential candidate Mr Timothy Mugerwa to go ahead with his planed consultation meetings.

Reliable source told Whisper Eye that Mr Mugerwa is soon holding his Consultation meetings.

According on his road map he will start from central region to Eastern, Western and Norther respectively.

People Power Movement supreme leader, Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine also cleared to go ahead with his planned consultation meetings.

EC has informed the Uganda Police about the new developments and the force is expected to give maximum security to presidential candidates.

EC chairperson, Simon Byabakama made the announcement during a press briefing to journalists today Tuesday morning.

Mr Mugerwa Timothy and Bobi Wine are among 19 other presidential hopefuls who have been cleared for the consultation exercise.

Cleared candidates include; Former presidential aspirant Elton Joseph Mbairizi, Apostle Ben Israel Sseninde, Timothy Mugerwa, Bob Paul Akileng, Steven Kaweesa, Ambrose Kyomukama, and Mose Byamugisha.

Also cleared are: Joseph Mwambazi, John Herbert Nkangabwa, Fred Mwesigye, Tunawooza Makoma, Charles Mutaasa Kafeero, and Dr. Moses Amin.

Mr Byabakama told Whisper Eye that many other people are still coming in for clearance to start consultation meetings a cross the country.

EC boss warned all candidates to observe the law as they move on with thier consultations.