I will defeat MP Kasibante come 2021, says James Mubiru aide to Bobi Wine

Bobi Wine’s Mubiru James slated to defeat MP Kasibante come, 2021 Whisper Eye Reports.

People Power Movement coordinator in Rubaga North Mubiru James has assured us that come 2021 elections the embattled MP Mr Kasibante Moses will be history .

Freedom fighter and political activist Mubiru has increased pressure on incumbent MP Kasibante as odds suggest come 2021 the graph will be in his favour.

Once a vocal MP Kasibante went silent recently due to much political pressure from People Power candidate in the constituency.

Mr Mubiru has mobilised Rubaga constituency to vote for hon Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu also known as Bobi Wine and People Power in 2021.

‘Once again I met my ghetto youth in Kiyaaye zone in Nakulabye,’ says Mubiru James.

“Some times we feel like not giving our time to ghetto places. But personally as a person who has grown from there. It’s the best place to get wisdom, how to hustle and learning to be creative.” He added.

Mubiru is riding on Ghetto Youth infulence despite Bobi Wine not freely coming out openly to support him.

Mubiru is a very close Bobi Wine confidant who Bobi Wine has personally defended in People Power secret meetings. He Bobi wine contributed millions of shillings for Mubiru treatment.

Mubiru was assaulted by mean looking security men at court which resulted in being hospitalized.

MP Kasibante a close ally of Besigye faces people power wrath accusing him of not backing Bobi Wine for Presidency.

Mubiru assured Whisper Eye that all his efforts in defeating Kasibante are well going and soon he will not only be history but a political advisor.

Mubiru has argued all youths in Uganda to participate in the forthcoming Youth Elections to have thier voice in the running of the government.

‘We discussed about the coming Youth National elections and they are indeed ready for them,’ Mr Mubiru explains

After a successful campaign that called upon Ugandans to get National Identity Cards ‘Nangamuntu’

Many Ghetto youth in Rubaga North constituency possess thier IDs just waiting 2021 to exercise thier right by voting leaders of their choice.

However MP Kasibante down played Mubiru political relevance when asked.

Rubaga North will see Lands Minister Betty Kamya , NRM Singh Katangole all compete for the seat.