President Museveni orders investigations into various projects under the Ministry of Energy

President Museveni orders investigations into various projects under the Ministry of Energy. Whisper Eye Reports.

President Museveni has instructed his team to start investigations into claims that various projects under the Ministry of Energy have been half hazardly implemented mainly in Hoima district.

The construction and supervision of a school with new class blocks, teachers houses , administration blocks for resettled people from mining areas has not been complete to date.

As president Museveni seeks to put the fight against corruption at the heart of his tenure as many critics have always downplayed his capacity to fight corruption signs.

Some of the projects facing Museveni investigations include the shubby works on Nyahawa primary school in Kyakaboga , Hoima district among others.

Ms Irene Muloni who was sacked, struggled to explain 24 billions which speaker Kadaga explained how officials in the Energy Ministry missapporpriated billions of shillings meant for the construction of a bridge linking Kayunga to Kamuli district.

Our reliable sources indicate that officials from the Ministry of Energy on the directive of the embatted Minister of Energy by then approached the Solicitor General over payment of some money of a contractor who had completed some shubby works which the under secretary of the Energy Ministry had refused to honour .

The infulence of the Ministry of Energy officials involved include the head of procurement and the commissioner of audit which created away for the full amount to be paid despite shubby works.

One of the projects under investigation was worth 2.5 billions however the contractor was paid half the money , it was discovered that the works were sub-standard .

The Ministry of Energy officials infiltrated the Solicitor General over the last payment of 2.5 billions which money was paid ,shared among these officials with the contractor resulting into shubby works. Asource said.

It’s believed the contract of one of the projects kicked off on 25th September 2015 and was due to completion on 9th August 2016 however to date nothing to show.

It’s believed president Museveni was willing to visit and commission the newly constructed school however to his surprise the schools works looked wanting. Areliable source emphasized.

The people around the contractor say officials shared over ugx 800m which limited his budget to produce quality works.

The president beeing bitter has ordered for the shubby works to be investigated and bring the culprit to book.

In other reports the company contracted for other shubby works are linked to embatted Minister Irene Muloni.

Whisper Eye shall keep you updated.