Exclusive: Dr Bitekyerezo , AG dragged to court over several crimes by National Drug Authority Employee

Dr Bitekyerezo dragged to court over causing financial loss , abuse of office , misuse of funds by a National Drug Authority Employee. Whisper Eye Reports.

An employee of the National Drug Authority Mrs Nakachwa Florence Obiocha has dragged Dr Bitekyerezo Medard to Kampala high court seeking several orders among which to declare that the continued 6th authority of Board of Directors for the National Drug Authority is illegal . Whisper Eye Reports.

A plaint on Whisper Eye desk indicate Mrs Nakachwa Florence is suing Dr Bitekyerezo Medard as the second Defendant and the Attorney General (government) as the first Defendant .

In a civil suit no 50 of 2020 Nakachwa claims that the term of the 6th authority of the Board of Directors for National Drug Authority expired on 24th January 2020 and not 20th February 2020 which continued occupation is illegal.

The plaintiff claims Dr Bitekyerezo Medard has misused /caused wastage of public funds in the manner contrary to the laws and regulations of the authority affecting Uganda citizens and taxpayers.

In her plaint she goes a head to claim that Dr Bitekyerezo Medard has also caused finiacial loss and abused his office by authorizing unwanted expenses from amiscllaenous cause no 186 of 2017.

Mis Nakachwa Florence who is employed on afixed contract of 4 years as head drug assessment and regulations from 29th February 2016 was disrupted deliberately by the 6th authority of the board of directors on 9th March 2017 and came up with amacro organization structure which extinguished her position resulting in being redundant and denying her to practice her profession. The plaint reads.

According to Mrs Nakachwa Florence she was on sick leave when all this happened and on her return she has never occupied her office again.

Through her lawyers Kituuma Magala and Company advocates , the plaintiff shall aver and contend that defendants are trassgressing the law in away that offends the plaintiff as a citizen and taxpayers and ask court to deter their actions.

As per orders sort include court to issue a permanent injunction aganist the appointing authority restraining it from renewing or offering a new contract to Dr Bitekyerezo Medard because he is deceitful , dishonest and not fit and proper person to chair the 7th authority.

Among other orders.

Efforts from our media team to Dr Bitekyerezo Medard for acomment was futile despite all efforts .

However reports indicate the plaintif had been fully served to the defendants awaiting their reply.

Whisper Eye shall keep you updated.