Shocking Lake Victoria sinks MP Gilbert Olanya house

Shocking as Lake Victoria sinks MP House, Whisper Eye Reports.

Kilak South County MP Gilbert Olanya is in panic after the flooding Lake Victoria destroyed his Kampala based home.

MP Olanya’s house at Luzira on the shores of lake Victoria sunk into waters of lake Victoria increasing water levels and floods around the might lake.

A few couple of days ago Lake Victoria was at 13.4m high a level below one point since its highest point of 13.41m in 1964.

Lake Victoria floods have destroyed property worthy millions and millions of money a round it’s shores.
The current situation on lake Victoria shores

Not only the Kilak South County MP crying, but many farmers lost their crops, beaches have been washed away among other valuable things.

Environment activist Mugerwa Timothy has warned Uganda government over floods that are to cause more havoc if the government continues it’s complacency.

All efforts to get a word from the MP was futile .