Bobi Wine structures dismantled as invisible hand bites

Bobi Wine structures dismantled as an invisible hand bites.Whisper Eye Reports.

Just less than Eleven months Uganda goes for presidential polls early next year. Take note, keep it on Whisper Eye.

Pop music star turned politician declared to contest against president Museveni, hon Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu popularly known by his stage name Bobi Wine, all his structures are dismantled. We can confirm.

Mr Wine named a list of coordinators across the country last year (2019) amidst celebrations among youthful political players.

However among his coordinators a few like 12 are still active as many are in a disarray.

Most of them are passive now, some have joined National Resistance Movement (NRM) or other political parties and other frameworks.

It is evident that the invisible hand bites.

Politicians who have worked with president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni have stated it.

‘Mr Museveni needs no time to have home work, if you do that your finished,’ says a political analyst.

“Bobi Wine must go back on the drawing board. The invisible had has swallowed his coordinators team.” He added.

Mr Wine has been advised by political analysts and experienced leaders not to trust fellow artists neither bloggers or his personal friends .

Basing on a simple reason that they are inexperienced. a prof name withheld told Whisper Eye.

And the nature of politics in Uganda, Provides a tough challenge to artists , bloggers among other elements.

After being betrayed by his coordinators, Kyadondo East MP, declared to use ceremonies and privately organised functions to send his message to the grassroots.

The reaction of Mr Wine to the impact of the invisible hand in his structures is a baseline to his hopes for being the 10th president of Uganda.

Despite few months to the general elections , Wine structures are cracking.

Whisper Eye the Ultimate Truths.