Rubaga South MP aspirant Mukasa Aloysius fires Personal assistant “Katongole Julius” for alleged rape case

Rubaga South MP aspirant Mukasa Aloysius fires Personal assistant Katongole Julius for alleged rape case. Whisper Eye Reports

Kampala Businessman Mukasa Aloysius has sacked his personal assistant over alleged rape charges against him.

Mr Mukasa who is mobilising voters to vote him on the forthcoming elections, as the area MP for Rubaga North has sacked Mr Katongole Julius who has been his personal assistant.

Whisper Eye has been reliably informed that, Mr Kayongole who is detained at Kitarya maximum prison, used Mr Mukasa Aloysius name to convince a young artist, whom he promised help.

A couple of weeks ago, Mr Katongole was arrested by the police on allegations of rape.

A young artist Ms Princess Aisha reported a rape case at Katwe Police station, pinning Mr Katongole Julius for raping her.

Sources intimate to Mr Mukasa Aloysius, have told Whisper Eye, that the sacking of Mr Katongole was in the interest to save the image of Mr Mukasa Aloysius.

It is believed that Mr Mukasa is on the verge of winning the Rubaga South Constituency, therefore any thing that is seen as a blockage is eliminated as soon as possible.

Mr Katongole who is remanded at Kitarya maximum prison has called for help from Mr Mukasa, and his calls have never been answered.

Simply because Mr Mukasa Aloysius does not want to associate him self with Katongole Julius, a proclaimed People Power Movement top coordinator in Rubaga South.

Mukasa Aloysius was raised by his mother Annet Nayiga in Mutundwe, Church Zone in Lubaga South constituency.

His father is Kalyango Aloysious of Mugongo, Kyengera Wakiso district.

He attended Uganda Martyr’s Primary School Rubaga, Kazinda Primary School Kyengera, now Kampala Model primary school, Lubiri Senior Secondary School, and St. Mary’s Kitende SS, and was voted head prefect at the prestigious school.

He is also an old boy of Merryland High School Kigungu in Entebbe.

He was awarded an Advanced Certificate in Business Administration and also graduated with a Bachelor in Business Administration at Makerere University Business School (MUBS).

Mukasa also graduated with a Masters degree in Public and Business management from Ndejje University.

He owns a magnificent home in Kabowa, a businessman who owns FACO in Ndeeba, a Kampala suburb.