Joel Ssenyonyi sweats as FDC supporters label him traitor over Nakawa MP held FDC seat

Joel Ssenyonyi sweats as FDC supporters label him traitor over Nakawa FDC held seat. Whisper Eye Reports.

Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) activists and leaders label People Power spokesperson a traitor over his newly declared bid for Nakawa MP seat.

Last week Mr Joel Ssenyonyi made a shift from Kampala Central after losing a political battle to Bobi Wine’s elder brother Chairman Nyanzi.

FDC youth leader Walid Lubega Mulindwa asked Mr Ssenyonyi why can’t he go for counties under NRM.

‘Hon Kabaziguruka Michael Andrew liberated Nakawa from NRM’s Fred Ruhindi, Mr Ssenyonyi go for NRM MPs not the opposite,’says Mr Lubega.

“They complain that FDC does not support Bobi Wine, why are they not supporting DPs Kenneth Paul Kakande in Nakawa for the MP seat. Kakande supports Bobi Wine.” Mr Mulindwa explained.

Mr Mulindwa told Whisper Eye that People Power Movement top leaders are too selfish and are fighting fellow opposition members in the struggle.

Former NTV news anchor now has to battle Democratic Party (DP) Nakawa MP candidate hopeful Kenneth Paul Kakande and FDCs Kabaziguruka to win the seat come in 2021.