A police officer who reportedly defiled a minor is now a free man 

Thomas Otim, a police officer attached to the Professional Standard unit in the West Nile subregion who was accused of defiling a 1 year and nine months female juvenile has been set free due to lack of sufficient evidence. #WhisperEyeNews

The West Nile region police spokesperson Josephine Angucia said in a statement.

The current update on the case file of Aggravated Defilement which was registered against a police officer, one IP Otim Thomas attached to PSU West Nile Region, which was taken to the office of Resident State Attorney Arua City for perusal and legal advice, is that the Resident State Attorney advised the case file to be closed due to insufficient evidence to support the case.

Police acted accordingly by setting free the suspect, and closed the case file till further notice. This case of Aggravated Defilement was registered by one Nasiima Racheal 34years old, resident of Arua CBD Police barracks, mother of the victim of Aggravated Defilement, where it was alleged that Otim Thomas aggravatedly defiled her 1year and nine months old female juvenile at Arua CBD police barracks on 09th October 2023.

Investigation into the allegation was instituted under Arua CBD CRB 900/2023, medical examinations were done, and relevant statements recorded. Suspect was accordingly arrested and detained at Arua CBD, and later released on police bond for treatment.

The case file was compiled and forwarded to RSA Arua City for perusal and legal advice. After perusal, the RSA minuted back to OC CID Arua CBD that evidence into the case is insufficient and the case file be closed. Hence police acted accordingly.”