
President Museveni moot plan to remove soldiers on lakes

President Yoweri K. Museveni has announced government’s plan of initiating a conference with the fishing community to sensitize them on responsible fishing practices for sustainable fisheries, a move that in the long run will lead to removal of soldiers under fisheries protection unit (FPU) on Ugandan water bodies.

Unsustainable fishing methods involve use of various fishing methods used for capturing or harvesting fish at a rate which is doesn’t prolong the fish populations. It includes bottom trawling, fishing rods and nets amongst others which lead to over-exploitation and overfishing.

Mr.Museveni whilst speaking on August 3, 2024 in Nebbi Municipality during a thanksgiving ceremony of the state minister of minerals Phiona Nyamutoro, blamed the fishing community for the wide spread unsustainable fishing practices, thus dwindling fish stocks which propelled him to introduced soldiers on the Uganda’s water bodies.
The President noted that if the conference with elders in the fishing community is conducted, soldiers will be eventually removed on the Ugandan water bodies. The sensitization will go in line with sustainable fishing methods thus increased fish stocks.

“On the fisheries protection unit, the issue was caused by the fishing community themselves, so the bad fishing was what caused us to bring the soldiers into the water, this is where the problem started, the fish was getting finished in the lake, in restoration, we brought these soldiers and we thought they were doing a good job” The President said

On allegations of corruption and high-handedness of the soldiers under fisheries protection unit, he said “now they are making their own mistake. we plan to have a conference with the elders in the fishing community on how we can stop bad fishing and we remove these soldiers on the lakes because soldiers have nothing to do with the fish “

The president’s message was in response to the battery of concerns raised by local leaders mainly from Pakwach district, in a packaged speech read by the LCV of Nebbi district Emmanuel Orombi.

The leaders blamed the soldiers under fisheries protection unit over high handed-ness, corruption and many other human rights violation on L.Albert and River Nile.

“Your Excellency my great people of Pakwach and counterpart Hon Omito Steen and members of parliament, have requested me to draw to your attention on the behaviors and bad manners of the fisheries protection unit on L. Albert that, their behaviors needs to be checked, There are a lot of cases of mistreatment of civilians and corrupt tendency taking place there” Orombi said

He added that “Your Excellency, some fish species (nang nang) on L.Albert can’t grow big and therefore be treated as mature fish “.

Ever since the introduction of fisheries protection unit, community along River Nile and L.Albert in Pakwach district have been making life uneasy for their area leaders, blaming them for not advocating for their plights occasioned by the introduction of FPU.
And it is against that backdrop that, LCV chairperson of Pakwach district Omito Robert Steen, Pakwach Woman Mp Avur Jane and Jonam County Mp Emmanuel Ongiertho, have been restlessly voicing the community’s concerns in many forums including parliament, so that their voice could be heard.

If the President’s plan is fully implemented, it will be a good music to the ears of all fishing community including fish mongers, who are bearing the brunt of the operation of the soldiers on the water bodies nationwide.

Officials from Uganda Revenue Authority whilst appearing before the parliamentary committee on Agriculture ,Animal Industry and fisheries in November last year, noted that government earned Shs 9.136 billion in fish exports as compared to Shs 521 million earned in the financial year 2022/23.

Uganda exports fish products that amongst others include fresh fish, chilled and frozen fish, dry or smoked fish, fish maws, fish meal. Fresh fillets are the main fish products exported from Uganda accounting for 76 % of total quantity and 78% of total value.

With all the benefits of increased tax base from fish exports notwithstanding, community along the Uganda’s water bodies have been continuously sounding their plight to the government, specifically calling for streamline in the operation of soldiers under fisheries protection unit.

The Fisheries Protection Unit soldiers (FPU), were introduced by president Museveni in 2017 to curb unsustainable fishing methods that was dwindling fish stocks thus low export and revenue.

Mike Rwothomio

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