Ora Technical Institute-Warr to hold first graduation ceremony after  40 years

By Mike Rwothomio

Career-focused education providing jobs-focused training in specific trades and professions for thousands of students is what Ora Technical Institute Warr, In Zombo District, has been undertaking in West Nile Subregion spanning over four decades.

The institution that is championing employable skills is situated in the district,  where 65 per cent of youths can’t read and write according to a recent study conducted by LICO, a non-governmental organization in the district. 

The institute boasts of thousands of  Alumni,  who attained extensive skills and experience that they needed in their chosen field.

However, With all the pedigree The institution carries, Since its establishment in 1982, The government of Ora Technical Institute Warr, In Zombo District is set to hold its first graduation ceremony for over 1000 students.

Principal Ora Technical Institute -Warr (Left) and The Director of studies Asea Coxton ( Right) During a press conference at Daudi Courts in Paidha Town Council Zombo District. Photo/ Lee Ofoymungu

In a Press conference with Journalists from Zombo Press Association at Daudi Cotts in Paidha Town Council on Tuesday this week,  The Principal Ora Technical Institute -Warr,  Okoda Booker said all is set for the graduation ceremony slated for 26 April this year,  with thousands of students including the Alumni expected to grace the event adding that it’s aimed at recognizing the achievement of students.

He also rallied students, parents and stakeholders to embrace the idea of Technical and Vocational education Training that directly addresses the deep-seated challenge of nationwide unemployment.

” There are so many graduands who have passed through Ora Technical Institute, Many of them are in  the fields practicing and we feel this ceremony should be held” Okoda explained

Ora Technical School has been often providing training some of which are short-term and is hands-on for actual workplace settings for out-of-pocket costs addressing the challenge of unemployment rate amongst the youths.

The students are to attain  National Certificate programs in carpentry and joinery,  automotive mechanics,  building construction, electrical installation, and plumbing amongst others.

Additionally, Their forthcoming  graduation ceremony is aimed at building togetherness and celebrating the student’s achievements putting into account the old students’ association of the institution is not robust enough.

Asea Coxton, The  Director of studies and the Chairperson  Graduation Committee said ” Our students since 1982 upto last year have been studying and passing through without graduation, without celebrating their achievements. This graduation ceremony will make us celebrate the achievements together” Asea stressed.

The graduation which is scheduled for April 26 at the institution grounds with the Commissioner for Technical Education as chief guest will also attract many religious, political and Cultural leaders across the divide according to the organizers, and a lot of activities are expected at the event according to Leaders.

Located in Padwor Ora Village, Ogusi Parish, Atyak Sub County, Ora Constituency in Zombo District.

Ora Technical Institute – Warr is a Roman Catholic founded and Government aided Technical institute that was started in 1982 in Nyapea Mission premise in the greater Nebbi District.

The 2021 Uganda national labour force survey indicates that 9.3 million youths out of school representing 41 per cent between the age of  18-30 aren’t engaged in any productive activities.

It’s against that backdrop that many stakeholders are appealing for the strengthening of Technical and Vocational education that fits the youths with employable skills.