
SPA Katushabe commends Gen M7, 1st Lady for unwavering support for Bukomansimbi seed Sch

The Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs and Translations Hon Ruth Katushabe was yesterday the 5th April 2024 at Bukango Seed School Bukomansimbi District where she met teachers, parents and area leaders to assess its progress and find perennial solutions to the challenges it faces.

Hon Katushabe who was welcomed by the Seed school Head teacher Mr Deo Kato and Deputy RDC of Bukomansimbi Mr Fred Kalema commonly known as Pax thanked the administration and parents for the sacrifices to make sure that the children of the area get access to quality education.

In her speech, Hon Katushabe who donated the 6 acres of land where the school was constructed commended the efforts of President Yoweri Museveni and Maama Janet Kataaha Museveni the education Minister who made sure that the school structures were put in place and on top of that supporting the school in its day to day operations. Our sources said that the school was constructed at the cost of 2 billion shillings.

Hon Katushabe was however not happy with the way some education administrators were behaving in the district after some parents complained that they are asked to pay 100,000 shs while others 50,000shs an imbalance that raised red flags over transparency.

Hon Katushabe warned the head teacher and district education administrators against such misconduct making it clear that all dues are paid by the govt and thus the school should only charge a uniform small reasonable fee to support the operation of the school.

She added that such unserious people are the ones who tarnish the name of the President and government by wanting to satisfy their pockets at the expense of the struggling poor parents.

Hon Katushabe vowed to support the school further with efforts now currently directly towards seeing that the school can start to have an Advanced level (S.5 and S.6). Hon Katushabe said that this is because she wants the students who completed S.4 to continue with their education other than just sitting at home.

The parents and teachers also praised Hon Katushabe for the initiative she started by first of all donating her 6 acres of land where the school was constructed and secondly going ahead to lobby for the funds that were used for its construction.

Among the challenges that the school faces is lack of a fence around the school, computers to improve ICT literacy and laboratory equipment for the Science classes.

The head teacher also said that the school will soon have its own UNEB centre number that will see candidates sit for their final exams at the school other than trekking to go and sit exams from other schools.

According to last year’s UCE results, all candidates from Bukango Seed School passed with flying colors with no ungraded candidate.

Kigunddu Lineaker

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