
Nebbi truck driver accused of intentionally killing 15-year-old girl

Eyewitnesses have accused the truck driver of a Sino truck with Registration number UBB 121K belonging to a Chinese company,  of deliberately killing a 15-year-old girl at Acwera trading centre,  in Tidwer Village, Padwot Sub-county Nebbi District.

On the 20th of this month, It’s alleged that the deceased who was being transported to Nebbi  General Hospital on a motorcycle by a boda boda rider, Met her death after both were knocked by the said truck driver. 

The boda boda rider who was transporting the deceased survived after falling far off in the trenches. He said the lady fell by the roadside unconscious and the truck driver made a reverse and ran over her intentionally to kill evidence.

 ” I was taking the sick lady to Nebbi hospital when we reached Acwera, he came and knocked us straight away as we were keeping left, I fell far away with my motorcycle whilst the patient fell by the roadside. Upon seeing us down, he stopped for some seconds, made a reverse and ran over her when she was alive, killed her off and sped off towards Agwok”  The boda boda rider said after he was attended to at a nearby clinic. 

Saviour Opakrwoth an eyewitness said  ” I saw him knocking them down and making a reverse to run over the lady that fell by the roadside, I was shocked to see what was happening “

He added that ” after the accident, the driver drove directly to Agwok police post where the car is parked” 

Patrick Okello, A father to the deceased said Police should extensively investigate the matter to its logical conclusion accusing  ”  the truck driver of intentionally running over the deceased “.

Whilst Alicama Ocan Bonny, the Chairperson LCI Tidwer village described the incident as unfortunate before calling for strict rules to be imposed on the errant drivers of the Chinese company working on the road,  despite several humps put to reduce overspeeding on the road that is under construction.

Police visited the crime scene, picked up the body and conveyed it for autopsy at  Nebbi General Hospital.

Nebbi Police are yet to release an official statement on the incident.

This week, the Traffic Police Department in Uganda  published a report saying 65 people have perished in 382 road crashes in one week. 

Mike Rwothomio

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