Gen Muhoozi’s Patriotic League of Uganda Announces New Leadership Lineup

The Patriotic League of Uganda, a prominent political organization, has unveiled its latest leadership roster. Led by General Muhoozi Kainerugaba as Chairman, the newly appointed members bring a diverse range of expertise and regional representation to the forefront.

Key Appointments Include:

  1. General Muhoozi Kainerugaba – Chairman: Renowned for his military leadership, General Kainerugaba assumes the helm of the Patriotic League, bringing with him a wealth of experience and strategic insight.
  2. Dr. Balaam Barugahara – Vice Chairman Western Region: Dr. Barugahara’s appointment underscores the League’s commitment to regional inclusivity and representation.
  3. Michael Nuwagira Toyota – Central Committee Member: With a background in automotive industry leadership, Nuwagira Toyota adds a unique perspective to the League’s central committee.
  4. Frank Gashumba – Vice Chairman Central Region: A well-known figure in central Uganda, Gashumba’s appointment highlights the League’s emphasis on grassroots engagement and mobilization.
  5. Andrew Mwenda – Spokesperson: Mwenda, a seasoned journalist and commentator, takes on the crucial role of communicating the League’s vision and initiatives to the public.
  6. Katungi Michael – Commissioner External Relations: Tasked with fostering partnerships and alliances, Katungi Michael will play a pivotal role in shaping the League’s external engagements.
  7. Hon. Michael Mawanda – Central Committee Member: Mawanda’s experience in legislative affairs brings valuable insight to the League’s decision-making processes.
  8. Hon. Lillian Aber – Vice Chairperson Northern Region: Representing the interests of the northern region, Hon. Aber’s appointment highlights the League’s commitment to regional balance and representation.
  9. David Kabanda – Deputy Spokesperson: Assisting in the dissemination of information, Kabanda will support the League’s communication efforts under the guidance of the spokesperson.
  10. Hon. Peter Ogwang – Coordinator Teso: Tasked with coordinating activities in the Teso region, Hon. Ogwang will work to strengthen the League’s presence and support base in the area.
  11. Hon. Haruna Kasolo – Coordinator Greater Masaka: Bringing his expertise in regional politics, Hon. Kasolo will spearhead the League’s efforts in the Greater Masaka region.
  12. Hon. Twalla Fadil – Coordinator Sebei: Charged with coordinating activities in the Sebei region, Hon. Fadil will work to expand the League’s reach and influence in the area.
  13. Nzeire Shadrack – Coordinator Ankole: With a focus on Ankole, Shadrack will play a key role in galvanizing support and mobilizing resources in the region.
  14. Judith Mukidi – Women Representative Toro: Mukidi’s appointment as Women Representative underscores the League’s commitment to gender diversity and inclusion.
  15. Sarah Kiyimba – Women Representative Greater Masaka: Similarly, Kiyimba’s role as Women Representative highlights the League’s efforts to empower women in leadership positions.
  16. Tamale Mirundi – Deputy Spokesperson Buganda: Bringing his expertise in communication and public relations, Mirundi will support the League’s communication efforts in the Buganda region.

The unveiling of the Patriotic League of Uganda’s new leadership lineup signals a renewed commitment to inclusive leadership and regional representation. With a diverse array of appointees spanning various sectors and regions, the League is poised to advance its agenda and engage with stakeholders across Uganda.