Shock! Woman dumps own baby girl in a pit latrine

It was quite a rare experience for residents of Paidha town council Zombo district to witness the dead body of a newly born baby girl of just four days being pulled out of a five ft pit latrine in Mawa cell Omua Ward on October 3. #WhisperEyeNews

Brenda Nyamutoro believed to be in her 20s reportedly dumped her own baby after she gave birth last week. 

Locals became suspicious after they started experiencing unwelcoming stench emanating from the Pit latrine. They also learnt that the mother who was pregnant was seen walking empty-handed this week. She was staying with a friend.

The LC1 Chairperson of Mawa Cell Geoffrey Aliana Oryem who doubles as the Male District councillor for Persons with Disabilities said upon arrest the woman denied the act prompting them to involve police.

He added that police visited the crime scene at 5:00 p.m. yesterday and retrieved the deceased body a clothes strip was tightly tied around the neck.

” When locals raised concerns about that lady who was staying with a friend in this Village, we called her and when she came, we asked her about her pregnancy and she said she delivered on Friday last week in the latrine when she went for long call and by mistake, the child dropped into pit latrine ” Oryem explained 

He added “We realized that her statement was not adding up and we took her to police who later came and we retrieved the lifeless baby from the pit latrine” 

She also told leaders that her husband only identified as Andrew was not around.

The woman councillor of Omua ward Joyce Kayeny has strongly condemned the act before advising youth in the area about making proper marriage choices in life.

The LC1 chairperson of Mawa Cell Geoffrey Aliana Oryem also the male District councillor of persons with disabilities addressed journalists from the Zombo Press Association after the body of the baby was retrieved on October 3.

Burial has been delayed after Police discovered a clothing strip tightly tied around the neck of the retrieved lifeless baby whose body has been conveyed to Paidha Health Center III mortuary for autopsy.

By press time Police couldn’t divulge more detail about the sad incident that came days after a woman was arrested for reportedly procuring an abortion in Paidha Town Council.

He added that police visited the crime scene at 5:00 p.m. yesterday and retrieved the deceased body a clothes strip was tightly tied around the neck.

” When locals raised concerns about that  lady who was staying with a friend in this Village, we called her and when she came, we asked her about her pregnancy and she said she delivered on Friday last week in the latrine when she went for long call and by mistake, the child dropped into pit latrine ” Oryem explained 

He added ” we realized that her statement was not adding up and we took her to police who later came and we retrieved the lifeless baby from the pit latrine” 

She also told leaders that her husband only identified as Andrew was not around.

The woman councillor of Omua ward Joyce Kayeny has strongly condemned the act before advising youth in the area about making proper marriage choices in life.

Burial has been delayed after  Police discovered a clothing strip tightly tied around the neck of the retrieved lifeless baby whose body has been conveyed to  Paidha Health Center III mortuary for autopsy.

By press time Police couldn’t divulge more detail about the sad incident that came days after a woman was arrested for reportedly procuring abortion in Paidha Town Council.