Zombo: Religious leaders weigh in on rampant suicide cases

Scenarios where people are ending their own lives in Zombo are taking an upward trend raising concerns amongst many political and religious leaders.

Since the beginning of this year, more than 10 cases of suicide have been reported according to media reports.

Paidha Town Council in Zombo takes the lion’s share with nearly Six suicide cases registered since the beginning of this year. The latest case is the one of a businessman called Patrick Muber, A resident of Zingili Cell, Zingili Ward who was found hanging on a rope inside his House on November 18.

Zombo Town Council registered 3 cases since the beginning of this year, Abanga Sub-county registered 2 cases amongst other places.

A section of religious leaders has attributed the rise in suicide cases in Zombo to the failure of believers to open up about their challenges to religious leaders.

Most health experts and some religious leaders this Publication talked to gave a string of factors like spiritual challenge, economic depression, and Drugs and Alcohol, among some of the factors fueling suicide cases in the District.

However, some religious leaders are advocating for a robust community policing and spiritual campaign against the spread of suicide cases.

The catechist of St Peter’s Church of Uganda Aldo Jakernga has rallied believers to ” come to church leaders and disclose the challenge they are going through such that they can be assisted through counselling”.

Locals gather at the home of a man who committed suicide inside his house recently at Zingili cell Zingili Ward Paidha Town Council Zombo District.

He added that many believers are suffering from their problems silently.

 Pastor Nobert Ogenmungu of Miracle church Paidha said “Many believers are not utilizing the presence of religious leaders”

The 2018 World Health Organization report indicated that more than 800,000 people globally die of suicide. The same report details that about 10 out of 100 Ugandans commit suicide annually.

The Archdeacon of Goli Central Archdeaconry Ven. Jimmy Oweka noted that ” drugs, alcohol and distance created between believers and God” is to partly blame for an uptick in cases of Suicide in Zombo.

Meanwhile, The Area councillor of Zingili Cell Pascal Kumakech has called for concerted efforts from Politicians, Police, religious leaders, and Non-governmental organizations to address the deeply rooted suicide cases in the community.