Confusion: Jeema President Asumani Basalirwa stings Bobi Wine , orders party candidates not to use NUP symbols and colours

Confusion: Jeema President Asumani Basalirwa stings Bobi Wine , orders party candidates not to use NUP symbols and colours. Whisper Eye Reports

Jeema president Asumani Basalirwa who doubles as Bugiri Municipality MP has warned party members over using National Unity Platform (NUP) party colors and symbol.

Whisper Eye news has been intimated by source from Mengo Jeema offices, that MP Asumani Basalirwa told party members that they must use only a weighing scale ‘Minzani’ and light blue colour in the forthcoming general elections.

“We are part of the co founders of People Power, Our Power Movement, hope you are aware. But we are members of Jeema not NUP,” says MP Basalirwa.

“Our symbol is a Weighing scale and light blue color not that. We agreed to support hon Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu as a presidential candidate but not members of NUP.

Please promote our political symbol of a weighing scale for the benefit of your selves,” MP Basalirwa added.

Confusion at high level as many Jeema candidates thought that they had reached an agreement with People Power supreme leader Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu, to support their candidates before forming the controversial political party: NUP.

Due to this concussion now Hon Asumani Basalirwa has taken now close to two months without going to Kamwokya, NUP offices ever since NUP party was launched.

Whisper Eye is reliably informed that the biggest percentage of Jeema candidates are to stick to party symbol of the weighing scale machine.