Man in hot soup for terribly  burning son’s hand over food

A boy  aged 8, is nursing injury at Nyapea hospital in Zombo District after his father reportedly burnt his hand to punish him for reportedly feeding on beans prepared  for supper.

The incident happened over the weekend in Zungida village, Oyeyu Parish Nyapea Sub-county.

It’s reported that the said father left the child to do home chores as he went out and upon returning, he discovered that the child had consumed all the cooked beans  in the pot. He grew annoyed, grabbed both hands of the  child  before dipping in the fire as punishment.

An eyewitness and a neighbor who preferred to talk off record revealed that “the child raised an alarm and we rushed him for  first aid at Nyapea hospital where he is currently receiving treatment”.

The Area  councillor of Oyeyu Parish in Nyapea Sub-county  Joe Ubedgiu confirmed the incident noting  that the child’s  father  whose name has been withheld was  arrested by local leaders of Zungida village,  but later released to take care of the son at the hospital after he apologized.

Ubedgiu added that the child is positively  responding to treatment at Nyapea hospital.

” We arrested him and later released him after he apologized. There was also  no one to attend to the child in the hospital,we strongly condemn the act in strongest terms possible and this should not repeat itself” Ubedgiu told the whispereye news

This Publication understands that the child’s parents seperated a year ago. 

Getting comment from Zombo District Police Commander over the incident proved futile.

Recently, a woman was briefly detained at Paidha central police station after she  allegedly hit her son badly with a blunt object.