PM Nabbanja visit in Bukomansimbi leaves a smile on residents, applauds them for loving President Museveni

Prime Minister Nabbanja visit in Bukomansimbi leaves a smile on residents, applauds them for loving President Museveni. #WhisperEyeNews

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda Rt Hon Robinah Nabbanja was the chief guest at the agricultural expo that took place on 28th October 2023 at Kitasa Play Ground in Bukomansimbi Town Council. The expo was organized by NRM leaders in the district as part of the effort to improve agriculture production in the area which in line with the implementation of the NRM manifesto.

The Prime Minister was accompanied by Hon Fred Kyakulaga Bwino the State Minister for Agriculture, Hon Aisha Sekindi the State Minister for Water, Hon Godfrey Kiwanda the NRM Vice Chairperson Central Region, Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs Hon Ruth Katushabe, among others.

Upon arrival to the District, the Prime Minister first visited a number of farmers in area to see how they are performing and what areas they needed to improve in order to yield more from their sweat. This is in line with President Museveni’s NRM manifesto of Farmer Mobilisation, Education, Value-Addition and Service Delivery campaign in the country. The Prime Minister was generally impressed with the work done by these farmers and also gave guidance on how they can improve as well as giving support to some of them who had challenges that hindered their ability to produce more.

As she visited a number of farmers, she also made numerous stop overs in different trading centres where she extended additional capital to women operating small business stalls locally known as Emidaala. Over 20 women gained from this initiative.

The Prime Minister later proceeded to Kitasa Play Ground where the agricultural expo was taking place. She arrived amidst thousands of residents chanting President Museveni’s name thanking him for choosing such a hardworking Prime Minister who is pro people.

Known to many as Majegere, the Prime Minister took time and visited each stall that was exhibiting from coffee producers, poultry, makers of irrigation machines, producers of agriculture chemicals, among others.

In her speech to the thousands that gathered, the Prime Minister thanked the people of Bukomansimbi for being hard working Citizens who are toiling day and night to see that they make ends meet. She also thanked all those that voted Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as their President in the last election and the NRM advising them to continue doing so whenever there is an election including those that had been ‘misled’ by the opposition.

She advised the residents to always work with the government in power because it is the NRM manifesto that is being implemented which is aimed at changing the lives of Ugandans positively. She also advised the people to desist from politics of hate that is mainly spread by those want to paint a bad picture of President Museveni.

“As we are all gathered here, you can see that our dear President is doing much to see that our lives change. This is why am here on ground to find out how far we have moved and note down the challenges. The President sent PDM and Emyooga funds to help you his people the peasant farmers. Don’t allow the thieves at the parishes to eat your money. Report any fraud star to the authorities concerned.” The Prime Minister said

The Prime Minister also used the opportunity to extend help to the agriculture extension workers in the district to enhance their movement in the area to educate and teach people about the good methods of agriculture. 5 motorcycles where given out to the extension workers to make sure that they can reach each corner of the district to help the people in areas in agriculture.

After Bukomansimbi, the Prime Minister is scheduled to visit Sembabule District on Sunday 29th October where another Agriculture Expo is organized.