Hot News: Dr Jose Chameleone set to launch People Power campaign song as he opens a magnificent office in Mengo

Hot News: Dr Jose Chameleone set to launch People Power campaign song as he opens a magnificent office in Mengo. Whisper Eye Reports.

East and Central Africa’s best selling artist of the 21st Century Mr Mayanja Joseph popularly known by his stage name Dr Jose Chameleone set to launch a magnificent office at Balintuma road Tuesday September 1, 2020.

According to the lyrics exclusively obtained by Whisper Eye Jose Chameleone sings about People Power founder who doubles as the NUP president Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu also known as Bobi Wine.

Arguing Ugandans to trust him as the president of Uganda this is so far the best campaign song in East and Central Africa.

Dr.Jose Chameleone, East Africa’s finest is without doubt the biggest artist in NUP.

Musical fans are convinced that Chameleone has proved beyond reasonable doubt his commitment to the struggle against the dictator Museveni.

A Privy source from Mengo, Balintuma road reveals that Mr.Joseph Mayanja aka Dr.Jose Chameleone will officially open up his “Command Center” (2021 Campaign office) tomorrow Tuesday at 10:00am.

Singer Chameleone has surprised many leaders as he is setting a precedent that many politicians will live to remember as a team player.

It is highly anticipated that he will be endorsed by distinguished politicians.

Mr Mayanja is contesting for Kampala Lord Mayoral seat together with incumbent Ssalongo Erias Lukwago, 20 years MP for Kawempe North MP Latif Ssebaggala, NRM’s Amooti Godfrey Nyakana, Ragga Dee, and Ssebaana Kizito among others.