Tension as Zombo youths vow to demonstrate over Bad roads

As time is ticking towards the set date for a ” planned Peaceful demonstration” about the poor state of roads in Zombo District, The organizers of the event have been set strict terms to follow which they might fail to hit on time. #WhisperEyeNews

Days ago, some of the organizers had eyeball-to-eyeball meetings with the District security committee headed by The Resident District Commissioner Rtd Lt Col Pius Alitema, The District Police Commander Nelson Nahabwe, and The DISO amongst others.

Out of that interface, strick terms were set for the demonstrators which amongst others included writing to the Inspector general of Police notifying him of the planned event and holding a radio talk show amongst others.

To the organizers, The process is more of  searching a needle in  haystack given the red tape in government offices.

The organizers plan to move to different parts of the district on October 25 next week, to show their grievances about the devastating status of the roads that they believe is Partly contributing to rampant accidents and slowing down businesses due to much time wasted on the road especially when it rains.

The chairperson of “Zombo Road also matters” peaceful demonstration Sam Rwothomio said in a press release that ” we shall write to the IGP to Notify him because it’s our right to peacefully demonstrate and that shall not deter us, we shall hold our peaceful demonstration on Wednesday 25 next week “.

This come after  The District security committee and  Some organizers of the peaceful demonstration held a radio talk show on a local radio station, where the Resident District Commissioner Rtd Lt Col Pius Alitema stated clearly that for him he doesn’t have right to okay activity of such a nature.

The road that has become a song and a dance amongst the Greater Nebbi Community is the 119 km Nebbi – Paidha – Zombo -Ze -Warr – Mvura road that the government has made a string of yet-to-be-fulfilled promises of tarmacking for ages.

When it rains, the road becomes muddy and impassable and the dry season comes with a fresh package of unbearable dusts.

Last year When President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni came for the 12th Coronation anniversary of Alur King at Atyak seed secondary school Playground in Zombo, The Mp for Ora County Songa Biyika Lawrence and the LCV chairperson of Zombo James Oruna Oyullu together asked the president to break the news about the long awaited “nerve racking road” but the president said plan to work on the road is in place without specifying when.

The road has become a close to a home case to all residents regardless of political, religious and cultural affiliations Whisper Eye News has learnt.

In Uganda, few demonstrations be it peaceful or not have gone un-disrupted.