Presidential Advisor Ruth Katushabe meets Kampala student leaders, delivers Museveni’s message on corruption and patriotism

The Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs and translations Hon Ruth Katushabe was today the 29th of September 2023 the chief guest at the Kampala Capital City Students Council convention that took place at Lubiri Secondary School where she addressed the students leaders on a number of issues related to patriotism and Pan Africanism under the theme ‘ The role of Student leaders in the National Development and Promotion of Democracy in Uganda.’

In her speech to the student leaders, Hon Katushabe advised them to put their country first before anything saying that no one will ever love Uganda if not us the citizens. Hon Katushabe said that student leaders should desist from spreading false propaganda that tarnishes the image of the country as this has been the norm among young people, especially those being misled by a few politicians who are looking for selfish gains.

The Senior Presidential Advisor also warned the young girls against being lazy and thinking that it is men who should provide for them. She advised the young women to always strive to hit the top to be self-sustaining because a man will always respect a woman who has something in her pocket. She also advised the young girls to avoid getting involved in sexual acts that can easily destroy their future through early pregnancies and STIs.

Hon Katushabe further added that the young leaders should desist from always thinking of getting quick wealth as this is the genesis of corruption cancer that has become a stumbling block to growth and development in the country.

Some of the students who attended

“You my young girls especially, always work hard to have something for yourself through clean hands rather than waiting for men to give you. If you can afford to take care of yourself, a man will always respect you. Men do not want parasites but women who add value to them.” She said

Her speech is in line with the words of the head of State President Yoweri Museveni who while addressing members of the NRM caucus yesterday said that they should fight corruption if they want to be appreciated by the people.

“I’m going to crush these corrupt people. When you hear bloodshed don’t get surprised. Because you are going to kill your country. So, I want you to support me If I bring with the Attorney General an amendment saying that if anybody extorts money in the name of the president, should go to jail for some time. We are going to attack a few examples and they will become examples of others,” Gen. Museveni assured NRM legislators.

The Kampala city students council was also graced by Lt Col Emmanuel Katabazi the Deputy Director General of the Internal Security Organisation who also emphasised the issue of Panafricanism.

The Deputy Director of ISO told the student leaders that the cause of mayhem in Africa is the foreign elements who use some of our fellow Africans to stretch coups and start rebel activities that sabotage development in Africa.

He thus advised the young leaders to always be Africans and never allow them to be used by foreigners who only wish Africa badly.

He further added that young leaders should stop calling themselves leaders of tomorrow but rather leaders of today because they are already actively in leadership.