Be good leaders of today, tomorrow and be patriotic SPA/PA Hon Ruth Katushabe urges Kampala student leaders

The Special Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs and Translations Hon Ruth Katushabe on Wednesday 4th October 2023 met the Kampala Student leaders under their umbrella the Kampala City Students Council at Hotel Africana in Kampala where she thanked them for organizing a very successful students council convention at Lubiri Secondary School late last month an event that also saw the successful election of new students leaders in a free and fair election.

Speaking to the student leaders delegation that was led by the Kampala Capital City UNSA coordinator Mr Isaac Kizito and the Students outgoing Speaker Aliak Walter, Hon Katushabe thanked them for being good leaders even amidst challenges that come with the offices they hold. She also thanked the leaders for loving Uganda and being good examples for the hundreds of thousands of students they lead.

Hon Katushabe also urged the students leaders to be at the forefront of fighting drug abuse in schools as well as being obedient to the teachers and the parents/guardians that pay their tuition. She further asked the leaders to be focused with their studies and always to have role models that they look upto, to work hard and see that they reach the same level with them or even better in their lives.

Hon Katushabe further pledged full support to the student leadership at any time they may need her adding that this is exactly what President Museveni wants as he wants to see the young generation being empowered and prepared to be able to take over the leadership of this country in the future.

Hon Ruth Katushabe also used the opportunity to thank the out going UNSA Speaker Mr Aliak Walter for the good leadership skills his has showcased while Speaker and also wishing him success in his forth coming S.6 UNEB papers that he is to sit for early next month.

She also thanked the Kampala City Students UNSA coordinator Mr Kizito Isaac for the efforts he has put in to make sure that the students leadership within Kampala are functioning and operational in all schools in the capital city.

The Student leaders thanked Hon Ruth Katushabe for first of all Honouring their invitation as guest of Honour at the Kampala Students council convention late last month at Lubiri SS including the powerful words of knowledge she passed on during her speech to the students. They further thanked her for always standing by their side asking her to also do the same for the different student councils in other districts of the country.