Mao appoints UYD President Ismail Kirya Interim DP Spokesperson

The Democratic Party (DP) president Norbert Mao has appointed Ismail Kiryabthe interim party spokesperson with immediate effect after the DP spokesperson Mr Okoler Opio Lol Amanu travelled to the US recently. #WhisperEyeNews

Mr Mao while addressing the DP press conference yesterday in Kampala, said that the DP publicity secretary travelled to the USA and his deputy has not been available for party activities.

“I want to formally state that I assigned the UYD president Mr Kirya the role of publicity secretary in the interim because our publicity is out of the country and his deputy has not been available,” says President Mao.

“So I have given him that assignment, I want to thank DP Youth Leader Kirya Ismail who was elected Young Democratic Union Of Africa President

The youth leader of the Democratic Party (DP) Kiirya Ismail was elected the president of the Young Democratic Union of Africa (YDUA) a youth body which unites all youth leagues of Center right ideology in May 2023.

Young Democratic Union of Africa (YDUA) organized its BiAnnual conference in Addis Ababa at Ramada Hotel early this year where Kirya was elected president.