Senior Presidential Advisor Ruth Katushabe meets Team Thorough, to discuss issues of making NRM greater

The Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs and Translation Hon Ruth Katushabe has today the 21st September 2023 met the leaders of Team Thorough in Kampala.

Team Thorough an NRM mobilization group has been represented by their Chairman Pastor Mbabazi and a number of other leaders who met the Presidential advisor to discuss issues related to making NRM greater in the country.

The team informed Hon Katushabe about the challenges they face during their mobilisation tours relating to logistics and fights from other competing groups. The Honourable pledged to support this team in mobilization of resources for them but also promised to harmonize the tensions and unhealthy competition that comes from other groups that mobilize for General Museveni.

In her advise to the members, Hon Katushabe reminded them that their fights donot add anything to the party but rather divide it into small unnecessary groups and thus they should focus on the main goal instead of wasting time fighting each other.

She further added that besides mobilization, the team should also focus on popularizing the different government programs as part of the fulfillment of the NRM manifesto like the Parish Development Model, Emyooga, among others.

She also tasked the group to encourage the public to take advantage of these programs to lift their lives from poverty as well as keeping an eye on all the government money that is meant for Development so that it is not stolen by the corrupt officials who in turn tarnish the name of the government.