Fire destroys property worth over Ugx 200 million in Zombo

Ravaging Fire has destroyed properties worth over Ugx 200 million along Ofaka Road, Central Ward Paidha Town Council Zombo District in the wee hours of September 12 #WhisperEyeNews

The affected business community of Paidha town said the fire started in one of the kiosks at around 12: 35 a.m. and wildly spread to other places.

By press time, billowing fresh smoke was being seen as police cordoned the scene.

Hundreds of battle-scarred Community members stood in awe with hands on their heads to witness the burning of more than six spacious and metallic kiosks that got razed by a stroke of a pen.

There is no clear firm lead about the cause of the fire.

Jimmy Ozelle, a dealer in motorcycle spare parts lost all he had worked for for over 10 years.

The teary Ozelle told the Whisper Eye News ” I was at home by the time the fire started, I didn’t have electricity in my metallic kiosk but was called late at around 12:35 am that our Properties were on fire, I came here and got everything razed. He explained before adding ” I lost a stock of over Ugx 80 million and a cash of Ugx 15 million”.

Another affected person who operates a wholesale shop called Mansur Awule said ” I had a stock of Ugx 50 million and an unspecified amount of cash, we just need support from NGOs and wel_wishers”.

Another affected person only identified as Sabili explained ” I had a stock of over Ugx 80 million and at least some properties amounting to nearly Ugx 10 million got rescued, we just need some help”.

By press time, Police from Paidha Central Police Station were at the crime scene to commence an investigation.

The case of arson is registered under SD REF:20/12/09/2023.

Recently, a ravaging Fire also destroyed offices of the Paidha business community with property worth millions of shillings. Relatedly, a local restaurant in Paidha Town Council was recently razed to ashes after the fire started from a nearby kiosk.