Excell College Pakwach students strike over special food demand

The senior four students of Excell College Pakwach in Pakwach District yesterday went on a rampage and destroyed properties worth millions of shillings after their demand for ” special food” were not fulfilled by the school administration.

 According to Pakwach Police Statement seen by the Whisper Eye News, Another reason that elicited anger amongst the students was also the alternation of Mock examination papers they had earlier paid for.

 “The senior four candidates of the above school today at around 1250hrs struck destroying and breaking glasses of the windows of dormitories on grounds that, 

They want to eat their special food different from the lower classes since they are sitting for mock exams and They claim that they had paid Ugx  40,000,  for WAKISA EXAMINATION PAPERS Which comes from Wakiso District for their Mock but to their dismay the exams paper they sat for this morning was different so they wanted an explanation on that.” Pakwach Police Statement reads in part.

Police say ” The School administration has therefore decided to suspend all senior four students to go to their homes until 18th August 2023 and have to come back with their parents “.