Statement: UPC’s Akena congratulates Dr Eunice Otuko for winning Oyam North By-election

Uganda Peoples Congress president Jimmy Akena has today congratulated UPC’s Dr Eunice Otuko for winning the muchly contested Oyam North by-elections after defeating NRM, FDC And NUP. #WhisperEyeNews

Full Statement;


On behalf of Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC) and my own behalf, I warmly congratulate the Member of Parliament (MP) elect for Oyam North Hon. Dr. Eunice Otuko Apio upon emerging victorious and making the congress fraternity proud in the just concluded by-election held on Thursday 6th July 2023. The seat fell vacant following the shooting of the area MP Hon. Min. Charles Okello Engola (R.I.P). UPC announced her participation in the by-election which triggered internal processes and thereafter presented Dr. Eunice as the Party flag bearer. The UPC campaign team was composed of MPs, District Chairpersons and other elected leaders, both in the Party structures and in various elective positions. I thank the whole team for their determination, commitment, sacrifice, unity, vigilance, strategies and organization which led to the ultimate success in the polls.

I want to congratulate and thank the people of Oyam North for the warm reception accorded to us during the campaigns, embracing our message and standing by their position to vote for the UPC Candidate. I appreciate the contribution of the Regional Leadership for successfully mobilizing the entire leadership and membership of the sub region who believed in the Party message and ideology as well as those who came from across the country to offer their support to our candidate. I also extend my gratitude to my fellow Members of Parliament who generously invested their time, resources, and experience to ensure the win for UPC. I further appreciate the Party Cabinet and Secretariat Staff for the tremendous work done in such a short period of time. This is indeed the kind of solidarity we needed and should give throughout to increase Party’s political strength.

This victory of UPC and its flag bearer is a great one and it has set our pace that needs to be sustained with hard work, commitment and team work, which gives tremendous hope for the Party in the rebuilding phase and competing with others on the national political scene thus getting the Party ready for the entire processes of 2026 General Elections.

During the Oyam North by-election campaigns, we presented a very strong candidate and our message was well received by the electorate. The demand we made to all stakeholders was to ensure Free and Fair Elections. We strongly condemn, the undemocratic acts of ballot stuffing especially, at the three noticeable Polling Stations of Wang Lobo, Acokara and Baromele in Otwal Sub County, in full view of men in uniform.

This is a clear manifestation that a lot of similar incidents may have happened in other areas where we had less man power.

We take note that the President of the Republic of Uganda H. E. Yoweri K. Museveni acknowledged the election malpractices. This remains a very real threat to democratic practices and undermines the will of the people. As UPC, we are going to pursue this matter to its logical conclusion. We need to deepen our democracy by holding free, fair and peaceful elections devoid of malpractices and violence. 

We wish Dr. Eunice Otuko Apio a good completion of the current term of office and service delivery.

For God and My Country

J. Akena MP