Protests in Nebbi as boda boda riders clash with police over strict URA rules

By Mike Rwothomio

Police and hundreds of boda boda riders have clashed At Goli Border Custom in Jupangira Sub-county Nebbi district as Uganda Revenue Authority’s new border rules are becoming more biting. #WhisperEyeNews

Hundreds of boda boda riders from  Jupangira Sub-county were protesting the violent arrest of one of their colleagues. 
By police officers, after he reportedly violated one of the stringent rules introduced by URA officers at Goli Border Customs.

Hell broke loose at Goli Border Customs on the 3rd of this month, after a boda boda rider from DRC destined for Goli was injured in a reported fistfight with police officers who attempted to forcefully snatch his key.

In protest, all boda boda riders mobilized in hundreds and stormed Goli Border Customs barricading roads with heavy stones and logs.

Security forces from Zombo district were immediately contacted and swung into action to restore sanity at the custom, local leaders say.

The rules were announced to the Public by URA in charge of Goli Border Custom Peter Ekuju,  during a dialogue meeting with the community on the 30th of last month.

The New URA rules.

Some of the rules introduced by URA at Goli Border Customs in Nebbi district amongst others include rolling motorcycles or bicycles with or without luggage for close to 200 meters from the barrier to the bridge that separated Uganda and DRC  to streamline speeding, No border crossing before 7.00 am or 8:00 pm meaning farmers, students, and businessmen should wait for long before crossing to either side of the border.

These rules according to the locals are time-wasting and hectic.

What locals say.

The LC 1 chairperson of Goli Boma East village Jupangira parish Jupangira sub county Abok Phillip  Kayomba said the fracas at Goli Border Customs paralyzed traffic for hours.

He added that three boda boda riders were arrested  And their motorcycles impounded but were later set free upon their intervention.

“There was a serious clash today morning where a boda boda rider fell down and injured his elbow when a police officer attempted to snatch his key. A scuffle ensued when hundreds of riders from all over the area poured here in protest
.Three were arrested by the army but later released after we pleaded on their behalf” Abok noted

Charles Ofoyrwoth, a boda boda rider at Goli trading center revealed that “for years we have never gone through this tough rule of rolling bikes with luggage. This is a springboard to the protest”.

A boda boda rider who preferred anonymity said what makes the rule more frustrating is that the officers are making a mockery of riders trying to roll their bikes with luggage.

Traders struggling to push their bicycles with luggage on top as URA’s new border rules start.

“What makes it worse is they laugh at us whilst struggling to push our bikes with heavy luggage on top.

Many things are happening at the border, farmers from either side are being stopped from accessing their gardens on time, and learners who study at Goli Mix primary school in Uganda here are missing their early morning lessons because they are not allowed to cross before 7:00 am”, He Said in frustration

Last year in the neighboring Zombo district, hundreds of boda boda riders also blocked the road leading to Padea boda customs in Padea town council, and nearly set ablaze URA border customs in protest of the tax collector’s violent approach whilst impounding unregistered motorcycles and was the intervention of the LC5 chairperson of Zombo district James Oruna Oyullu and the RDC of Zombo Rtd Lt Col Pius Alitema that calm the situation down.

The charge Immigration Goli Border Customs revealed that some of the rules are paramount for the safety of everyone.

The OC station Goli border custom Police post-Paul Kangave said the rules that it’s enforcement has started with immediate effect are applied at Border Customs nationwide.

“Starting today, we have introduced new security measures and this is based on standards that are allowed at border points across the country, this issue of doing things anyhow must stop,”  Kangave said.