Just In: Medical interns strike over unpaid salaries

Front-line medical interns’ strike has kicked off today over unpaid salaries, as the country grapples with the Ebola outbreak. #WhisperEyeNews

The medical interns who include doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and midwives announced their sit-down strike last Friday demanding the government pay their salaries for the last two months.

The group of interns led by their president, Ronald Mutebi and Prossy Nakyanzi, the speaker for the intern pharmacists of Uganda says if no innervations are taken against their demand, the sit-down strike will continue.

However, the senior public communications officer at the Ministry of Health, Emmanuel Ainebyona says effective today, some of the aggrieved interns will start receiving their salaries and there is no reason why they should stage a sit-down strike, especially at this time when the country is grappling with the Ebola disease.

It is yet to be known if all the interns will receive their money today but have vowed not to return to work until their demands are met.