Big Story: Serial Groups behind Speaker Anitah Among assassination attempts revealed

Ugandans have been surprised that the third in command of this country Rt Hon Anita Among Annet can be threatened by assassination.

#UgandaNews #WhisperEyeNews

The speaker of parliament recently came out and confirmed reports that had materialized earlier that some evil groups wanted her dead.

In a parliament session, Madam speaker informed the leader of opposition in Parliament that she has confirmed that some groups want her dead.

Although she didn’t back it up with names of the said groups despite calls from MPs to name them.

Today youthful MP David Kabanda took to his social media handle and expanded his voice on the issue of Speaker Anita Among.

He tweeted ” The fight against corruption and impunity in Uganda is very costly and deadly, it can lead to loss of your life”.

He added ” All the wars against Rt. Hon Anita Among originate from her brave decision to save Nakawa/Nagulu Land from opaque Land grabbers”.

Mp Kabanda statement pours water on already a heated discussion that opened up immediately speaker Among informed the country of the threats.

In Uganda killings of prominent people have become a logical to however is behind it.

She, Speaker Anita rose to the speakership after the death of Rt Hon Jacob Olanyah who succumbed to cancer in the USA.

We intend to add more of this story in our next bulletin!