Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS): Prevaricators with impunity – Bowers Mugabi Kaweesa

UBOS (Uganda Bureau of Statistics) is a semi-autonomous agency of government responsible for
the maintenance, coordination, supervising, and monitoring of the National Statistical System to ensure the collection, analysis, and dissemination of standardized statistical information. #WhisperEyeNews #Uganda

After the disparity in government and World Bank data, Dr. Mukiza unashamedly observed: “We are the
experts of statistics. Users of statistics in Uganda can only come for harmonizing statistics with
institutions such as the World Bank because we are the experts.”

We foresaw this situation; it was just a matter of time. Mr. Museveni and his cronies have so
systematically perverted the truth that the citizens cannot recognize their leaders’ duplicity even when
they witness it directly.

The teachers’ industrial action and the manner in which their pertinent issues have been handled manifest the reality. The government has altered the noble ideals of equal work and equal compensation in order to favor the politically and militarily powerful.

Even when the machinations of the government become clear to everyone – we see the president reappointing his sister, Dr Violet Kajubiri as the deputy chairperson of the Education Service Commission (ESC), a government agency charged with the recruitment of teachers in the country.

Necessarily, therefore, she’s under the supervision of Mrs. Kataaha Museveni, her sister-in-law, as her line minister. No significant resistance comes from the MPs and the teachers themselves show no sign of dissent.

Only the Lord Mayor of Kampala had his eyebrows raised in his popular rhetoric, “Mujooga bantu mmwe!” literally meaning, “Sheer impunity!” One of the principal ideas of such a totalitarian government is the ability of those in power to control and alter attitudes and set precedent.

Just as UBOS offers a host of statistics to show that the Banana Republic is in better shape than ever (mbu we have attained middle-income status!), the population is literally HUNGRY and needy.

The people remain naively optimistic.