“M7 is for all” SPA/PA Hon Ruth Katushabe commends Team Thorough to continue mobilizing for Gen M7 , avoid unnecessary fights

The Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs and Translations Hon Ruth Katushabe on the 3rd October 2023 met the members of Team Thorough-YKM Kira House at Pacify Hotel Wakaliga in Kampala where she urged the Team to continue mobilizing for Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as they have been doing in the past.

The Senior Presidential Advisor however urged the team to avoid engaging into uncessary fights with other parallel groups that mobilize for Gen Museveni saying that these fights add no value on Gen Museveni but rather cause useless tatters. Hon Katushabe said that what Team Thorough should concentrate on is to work for Gen Museveni and also let others work for him peacefully because the main goal of all mobilization groups regardless of what is to see that President Museveni wins the next election in 2026.

“Am aware of the fact that this group has even split into two. There is another team thorough that contacted me to meet them, I will still meet them because you and the other group are all working for Gen Museveni. My advise to you is to work and also let others work as well since all our aim is to make sure that Gen Museveni wins and wins and wins.” She said

Team Thorough led by its Chairman Pastor Mbabazi also used the opportunity to express its grievances especially rotating around the failure of the group to meet President Museveni in person.

Hon Katushabe advised them that since the President is always busy, such an opportunity may not come so quick adding that she had come to meet the group first to see how it operates before any arrangements to meet the head of State come in. She added that she has been impressed with how the team works and operates promising to meet them again soon and forge away on how their grievances can be ironed out.

The Senior Presidential Advisor also used the opportunity to urge the members and public at large to side with Gen Museveni in his efforts to support scientists. Hon Katushabe said that the new world is driven by science and Uganda as a country needs scientists if it is to catch up with the speed of development in the world.

She said that everything ranging from construction, research, innovations, technology, modern agriculture, automobiles, medicines,etc require science and this is the reason why Gen Museveni decided to pay the scientists very well so as to attract main people to the world of science.

She also added that if Uganda decided not to pay scientists well, they would easily run away to other countries for better pay as they are so much on demand on the world market.

Hon Ruth Katushabe is working tirelessly for Gen Yoweri Museveni to make sure that come 2026, Gen Museveni can win again and 2ndly the NRM to take full control over its lost territories, especially in Buganda Region where it performed disastrously in the last election.