Bebe Cool? – Police speak on reports of an alleged gun incident of the musician with a UPDF officer

Uganda Police spokesperson react to reports of an alleged gun incident involving popular musician Bebe Cool.

According to the statement, police has launched an investigation into mata as dem hear reports of di alleged gun incident. #WhisperEyeNews

police say;Kira road continues to investigate an alleged altercation between a popular artist Moses Ssali alias Bebe Cool and Captain Namara which occurred on the 19th of June in the parking yard of Peer lounge bar in Ntinda.

The conflict arose after a minor accident. Preliminary information gathered indicates that while trying to get parking at the bar, the officer brushed Bebe Cool’s vehicle which forced the latter to come out of the vehicle and a disagreement ensued.

We have retrieved the CCTV footage and are reviewing the contents to establish whether a gun was drawn as alleged by Bebe Cool. We are also looking into the allegation of the physical exchange between the two parties which could have attracted other friends.

We have reached out to the singer and obtained his account of events. We also managed to trace Captain Namara whom we found at Gemini medical centre and as soon as he stabilizes, we shall be able to record his statement.
We advise drivers to always be extra careful while reacting to traffic incidents as emotions can put one’s life in danger. We have since taken action against 6 officers who responded and further escalated the situation at Ntinda Police station .
They are currently detained at Railway Police. More updates will be availed in due course.