Policeman arrested for shooting civilian Dead in Mukono

The police in Mukono District have arrested their own who shot dead a civilian and injured two of his colleagues.

The deceased is identified as Rajab Nsejje, 23, a resident of Kabembe town in Kyampisi sub-county, Mukono district. The injured officers are Special Police Constables (SPC), Jimmy Osubo and Moses Mubiru. 

The incident happened on Friday at around 9:00 pm in Kabembe trading center along the Mukono-Kayunga road.

Luke Owoyesigyire, the Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police Spokesman, says that the three policemen who were on patrol found traders operating past curfew hours and ordered them to close their businesses.  

According to Owoyesigyire, when they resisted, Gerald Agaba opened fire killing Nsejje instantly. He adds that when the SPCs tried to disarm Agaba, he shot them too.

Owoyesigyire says that Agaba, who is attached to Nkonge Police Post, was arrested and detained at Naggalama Division Police headquarters.

Patrick Nsenye, a relative to the deceased narrates that Nsejje had gone to withdraw money from the trading center.