Big Story: Betty Kamya and KCCA Speaker Abubaker Kawalya in secret meetings, what is the deal?

Betty Kamya and KCCA Speaker Abubaker Kawalya in secret Meetings, what is the deal?

Minister of Lands Hon Betty Olive Kamya is in secret meetings with Kampala Capital City Authority Speaker Abubaker Kawalya . Our trusted sources reveal.

Betty Kamya who has just defeated Brian Tinyebwa in the just concluded NRM primaries in Lubaga North is set to stand for Lubaga North MP seat on NRM ticket come 2021 elections.

The former FDC Iron Lady believed to have recruited by then the youthful Kawlaya Abubaker in FDC ranks in Lubaga North and she is fixing all ways to win back the constituency.

She recently bought out Singh Katongole not to contest for the Lubaga North MP seat sailing through with close to 90 % of the NRM Votes.

The Iron Lady who had developed a working relationship by then the Lord Councillor Kawalya while still Minister of Kampala has held several secret meetings with Kawalya at different top places in Kampala and outside Kampala ever since she successful won the hotly contested NRM elections.

It was reported that NRM through Betty Kamya links sponsored Kawalya to defeat FDC Iron Lady Doreen Nyajura for Kampala speakership post.

The two also seem to be planning a political on slaughter on their opponents for their own gains which we are investigating.

Our sources indicate that the two constantly communicate through proxy mobile numbers. Whisper Eye has also been able to obtain some of the numbers they use to communicate within their ranks.

We shall be able to reveal some of these numbers after our full investigations in the next article.

Abubaker Kawalya currently on FDC ticket crossed from Najjanakumbi based party to Bobi Wine’s NUP at a colourful ceremony at Kamwokya Nup headquarters

He is set to battle out with incumbent MP Moses Kasibanate and Mubiru James for  NUP party ticket.