Integrity: Kyagulanyi bows down to lawyer Male Mabirizi pressure over academic papers, set to make official response

Integrity: Kyagulanyi bows down to lawyer Male Mabirizi pressure over academic papers, set to make official response. Whisper Eye Reports.

National Unity Platform (NUP) president who doubles as Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu bows down to Kampala lawyer Male Mabirizi pressure over academic papers and date of birth.

The last two weeks lawyer Male Hassan Mabirizi Kassim Kiwanuka shocked the public when he started questioning MP Kyagulanyi’s academic papers as well as his date of birth.

Basing on the certified copies of Mr Kyagulanyi’s academic papers from the Electoral Commission (EC) which he used in 2017 for nomination as a parliamentary candidate in the Kyadondo East by-elections, showed discrepancies in his names and date of Birth.

When Male Mabirizi quelled Bobi Wine’s academic papers.

Makerere University admission showed that he was born on 12th February 1980, yet he had submitted 12th February 1982 at the records department of Uganda’s Parliament.

Lawyer Male Mabirizi wrote to Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) for original copies of academic papers, and revealed that Mr Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu sat O-level in 1996 at Kitante Hill Secondary School when he was 16years old and A-level in 1998 when he was 18 years at Kololo Secondary School thus proving that he was born on 12th February 1980.

Records department at Parliament, days ago changed MP Kyagulanyi’s date of birth from 12th February 1982 to 12th February 1980 which he opposed and it was changed again back to 12th February 1982.

Due to the increasing pressure from the public, Hon Kyagulanyi has decided to address the country over the two issues tomorrow Monday August 31, 2020.

“I rarely pause from very important work to respond to regime propaganda aimed at detracting us from our mission,” says MP Kyagulanyi.

“But in the recent days, allegations have been made about my academic documents and age intended to cast doubt on my integrity and character. For the benefit of the brothers and sisters who may be shaken by these state sponsored attempts, I will address the nation tomorrow at 10am and clarify on a number of things,” he explained.