Big Story: NUP to front Joel Ssenyonyi for President if Bobi Wine academic papers are legally unfit, reports

Big Story:NUP to front Joel Ssenyonyi for President if Bobi Wine academic papers are legally unfit, reports. Whisper Eye Reports

National Unity Platform (NUP) party has started a move to prepare for plan B if party president MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu is blocked from nomination due to his wanting academic papers.

Privy sources close to Kamwokya based political party told Whisper Eye news that they are preparing former NTV news anchor Joel Ssenyonyi as a dangerous substitute to replace Hon Kyagulanyi popularly known as Bobi Wine.

Pop Music star who turned into a politician Mr Wine has issues with his academic papers which come into light after city suave lawyer Hassan Male Mabirizi Kiwanuka petitioned the Electoral Commission (EC) to produce the original copies submitted by Hon Kyagulanyi as he was nominating for the Kyadondo East by-electuon in 2017.

A special meeting which sat on Monday night at Bobi Wine’s elder brother Mr Nyanzi Fred Ssentamu popularly known as Chairman Nyanzi newly constructed second home at Kyebando along Northern by-pass resolved Ssenyonyi as their plan B.

Lawyer Mabirizi on Bobi Wine’s academic papers

Those close to Ssentamu family are aware of this new house of Nyanzi which is near Tripati company, and the construction was completed last year.

During the meeting a member his name withheld due to security issues presented the name of Dr Kiiza Besigye on argument that Dr Besigye can be a better replacement.

Before he finished his submission, Chairman Nyanzi intercepted and told him that “we can not give way our thing, No way”, Mr Nyanzi rejected the name of Dr Besigye.

Apart from one one member who had a different school of thought, they all agreed the name of Mr Joel Ssenyonyi.

The source further told us that Hon Kyagulanyi has sworn an oath to clear the confusion on his name as that on ‘O’ level certificate is different from ‘A’ level certificate as he battles out Lawyer Male Mabirizi criminal charges.