Shocking: Bobi Wine trusted youthful Kintu Fred sends Minister Kiwanda in early political retirement

Shocking: Bobi Wine trusted youthful Kintu Fred sends Minister Kiwanda in early political retirement

News from Mityana North constituency shows how Museveni’s state minister for Tourism Godfrey Kiwanda is considering early political retirement due to pressure from his National Resistance Movement (NRM) and opposition.

Privy source from minister Kiwanda’s camp has told Whisper Eye news that the minister has been greatly exposed by National Unity Platform (NUP) candidate in Mityana North youthful Kintu Fred who has mobilised the youths to support change in 2021.

The source further told Whisper Eye that hon Kiwanda has been also disappointed by his ruling NRM as top officials are backing his competitor Muhammad Kibedi in the party primaries.

“Minister Kiwanda has summoned a special meeting at his home in Mutetema, Kalangaalo Sub county in Mityana to brief his supporters on the new development,” says the source.

“Hon Kiwanda intend to consult his supporters before making any decision about his fate in the forthcoming 2021general elections,” the source further said.

Whisper Eye news will keep you updated on this developing story.