Sad! Katwe Business Woman Nakitende robbed and kidnapped

By Ddungu Kayemba Emmanuel.

Sad! Katwe business woman Nakitende robbed and kidnapped.”Whisper Eye Reports”

Reports coming in from Uganda Police confirm the arrest of Isaac Mussa, Sekate George William and Ashraf Mubiru all alleged to be hard headed armed robbers.

Whisper Eye has learnt that at about 1.14 am Thursday 30th 07 2020, Katwe Division Police intercepted a Toyota Celica of registration number UAR179L which was being used by the three to escape after robbing and kidnapping a business woman known as Nakitende.

 According to Katwe police, the three arrested hard-hit criminals were in possession of an SMG with five rounds of ammunition, ropes, suspected stolen phones, motorcycle keys and master keys.

Whisper Eye has confirmed that the suspects are being held in police custody and investigations are ongoing as they await to be aligned in court to answer charges against robbery, kidnap, unlawful possession of firearms and disobedience of lawful orders.

Despite having a curfew in place vehicles still move throughout the night at the disguise of being essential workers.

Whisper Eye efforts to get a word from the suspected robbers was futile.