Big Story: Why has EC refused to nominate NUP candidates in the on going youth elections exercise

Big Story: Why has EC refused to nominate NUP candidates in the on going youth elections exercise. Whisper Eye Reports

Opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) village youth nominees have faced tough challenges during the process as many have been not nominated.

According to our reporters from different areas, many NUP youths have missed out on nominations which are ending on Wednesday August 5, 2020.

In Kyotera, Rakai, Lyantonde, Ssembabule, Lwengo and nearby districts National Resistance Movement (NRM) collected NIN numbers together with corresponding names of youths and nominate them as NRM members before NUP.

“I have faced a lot of challenges to get youths from my town Kalisizo, NRM nominated our supporters when they are not aware,” NUP sub county coordinator told Whisper Eye News.

In Kampala metropolitan area, Electoral Commission (EC) registrars have refused to nominate NUP youths, claiming that their party registrars who signed and stamped on their forms must be verified by the EC.

Mr Sulaiman Kidandala the head of Mobilising and Organising committee under People Power, Our Power Movement, told Whisper Eye News that they wrote to the EC and sent all names of NUP registrars with mandate to stamp and sign all nomination forms for the youths and other interest groups.

“It is just a deliberate move not to nominate NUP youths, because we have done everything necessary. We sent all names of our registrars to the EC,” Mr Kidandala said.

The complicated process of nominating youths has eliminated many NUP youths who are not used to the process.

Basing on the ongoing confusion during nomination of youths on village level which determines other levels, NRM is losses to wine with 70% of the total youth structures in the country.

EC reaction on above situation was futile .