2021 Race: Museveni to be nominated Tuesday as NRM presidential candidate

President Museveni will on Tuesday July 28 be officially nominated as the NRM presidential flag-bearer at the NRM electoral commission offices.

This was revealed Saturday by Senior Press Secretary Don Wanyama.

According to Don, keeping with Covid-19 guidelines, there will be very few slots for the media, most going to TVs, which will do live coverage so that everyone else can follow.

NRM spokesperson Rogers Mulindwa is putting together a list.

“This is to notify you about the event but also offer an early apology just in case you aren’t accredited,” Don told journalists.

He said the event will kick off at 11am.

On Wednesday, NRM Electoral Commission chairman Dr Tanga Odoi declared Museveni unopposed as the ruling party sole candidate for 2021 elections.