Police arrests Bizonto Comedy members from Radio Simba studios

Bizonto Comedy members arrested from Radio Simba studios. Whisper Eye Reports

Security operatives have rounded off Simba radio station today morning arresting four popular comedians of Bizonto family.

Those arrested are Julius Sserwanja also known as m Kidomoole, Mbabaali Maliseeri popularly known as Uncle Luyuguumo, Sssaabakaaki Peter aks Omuzinyuuzi and Gold Ki Matono aslo known as Opeto.

They have been taken to CID headquarters at Kibuli for interrogations.

Sources say that the quadruple have been arrested due to their recent released social media video portraying tribalism in Museveni government.

Whisper Eye efforts to get a comment from police officers behind the arrest was futile.

Whisper Eye will keep you updated!